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Owolusi Lucky Oluwabunmi


It isn’t talks that make the earth work

Tis the mills like milk that feed the world,

It clicks, and clanks, and groans, and smokes

In field and farms unfurled,

Where grey beard men plow and hoe like Mokes


Suits make nothing but talk, and pride,

And swallow milk from cows, and goat

That moos, and bleats at Manors’ farm,


Upon such work the world thus work.

From back bent below the vines,

And grains buried with broken nails.

Though the machines haul the world around

Men must stop at yonder café,


Some hurry through like subway train;

But I chew each crumb with heart of joy

It’s food that makes the world to work.


As wing of day unfold from cold nest

 Of night, ghosts from lonely beds twists.

Water began its holy job of baptism.

Engines coughs around the blocks

Speaking language of hurriedness.

Dice of time casted ticks after the hour,

Hastening feet across cold concrete.

Owolusi Lucky Oluwabunmi is an Impact & Crisis Response Project Leader based in Nigeria. He has published or has work forthcoming in magazines, anthologies and journals including, Noctivagant press, Crosscurrent, America up Diversity Report, Dietmilkmag, Zoetic Press and others. He tweets @mighty_scribe

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